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  • Pool at Forest Ridge

Forest Ridge

Cabins & Campground
3566 Loleta Road Marienville, PA 16239
(814) 927-8340 Call for Reservations


APRIL 19-20 Easter Weekend
*Easter Egg Hunt (weather permitting)
MAY 10-11 Mother’s Day Weekend
*Kid craft on Saturday
*Community Bonfire – meet the owners
*Muffins/Donuts on Sunday (Moms eat Free)
17-18 Marienville Tour De Forest
24-26 Memorial Day Weekend
*Pool Opens- pool party!
*Corn Hole Tournament
*Kid Craft (Tie Dye Shirts)  $$
JUNE 6-8 Marienville Big Foot Festival
14-15 Father’s Day Weekend
*Kid Craft for Dad
*Donuts/Muffins on Sunday (Dads eat Free)
21 Rockin the 80’s Saturday
*80’s music at pool
*80’s trivia in the pavilion
*Best dressed award
28 Adult Craft in Pavilion $$
JULY 4-6 4th of July Weekend
*Cornhole Tournament
*Red, White, and Blue Pool Party
*Kids Craft (RWB Tie dye shirts) $$
26-27 Christmas In July
*Craft Vendors
*Site Decorating Contest
*Visit from Santa (parents need to provide a gift)
*Kid Game in the pavilion
*Christmas sale in camp store
AUGUST 9 Luau Party
*Pulled Pork Dinner $$
*Pool Party Luau
23 Ice Cream Social in Pavilion
30- Sept 1 Labor Day Weekend
SEPTEMBER 27-28 Marienville Oktoberfest
OCTOBER 4-5 Marienville Tour De Forest
*Pumpkin Painting $$
*Fall Games
11-12 *Pumpkin Painting $$
*Fall Games
18-19 Halloween Weekend
*Decorate your site (winner gets prize)
*Trick or Treat for Kids
*Pumpkin Painting $$
25-26 End of Season Bonfire
*Pumpkin Painting $$

Please note that some events may require a small participation fee. Those events are marked with $$.

Events are subject to change due to attendance, weather, etc. 


Upcoming Events